Higher Education Expo for CET, TVET & Universities 2023 – Visitor Registration
Education and training for productive employment is vital for economic and social development in South Africa and on the continent. Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is viewed as a tool for productivity enhancement and poverty reduction in the region. The Education 2030: Incheon Declaration unequivocally states that vocational education and training is a crucial vehicle for social equity, inclusion and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, hence it will be argued that TVET is a vital component of any well-functioning economy.
While the unemployment rate among South Africans with a tertiary qualification stood at 7%, it appeared to be a staggering 33% among TVET graduates in 2017.Studies show that university access is increasing yearly and likely to meet the target set in the National Development Plan (NDP) of 1.6-million enrolments by 2030, however, the target set for enrolment at technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges of 2.5-million by 2030 remains a pipe dream. In addition, the rate of absorption of TVET graduates in the labour market is also very low at a mere 40.5%.

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