Home Events & Training The Personal Assistants Forum

The Personal Assistants Forum

Come and join us for a celebration of Personal Assistants Professionals EVERYWHERE!

You’re the number one support for other people – for your co-workers, bosses, vendors and clients. You spend your time and your energy making sure everybody else has everything they need, but are you doing everything you can for your own professional growth?

Join us for the The Personal Assistants Forum and you’ll build success skills that will last a lifetime. We’ve packed this Executive Assistant Forum with informative sessions taught by nationally acclaimed speakers.

Imagine spending time with other administrative professionals in positions just like yours – sharing stories and trading tips with people who’ve been there, done that and really understand how demanding your job can be. Use this time out of the office to reenergise, refocus and gain a fresh perspective on your priorities, your goals and your career. This executive assistant forum is an experience that you absolutely don’t want to miss.

The forum is tailored for:

Personal Assistants, Executive Secretaries, Administrative Assistants, Private Secretaries, Receptionists, Office Managers, Project Support Officers, Event Assistants, Department Coordinators, Admin Clerks, Corporate Communications Officers and other administrative support personnel.

If you’re a seasoned professional with a desire to enhance your ability to achieve and succeed, and you’re looking for new ideas and strategies to make things happen… this is where you should be!

If you’re an administrative support staff member with more responsibility than suggested by your title, you will greatly benefit from the brimming wealth of information to be showcased at this event!

Treat yourself to a little fun and professional pampering. After all your hard work, you deserve it!


Hourly Schedule

Day 1

09:00 - 10:00
Opening Session: If Your Life’s a Circus, It’s Time to Become the Ringleader
As an administrative assistant everybody else always demands your time and attention – it’s time to kick off your day of training with some focus on the person who really matters: You! You’ll discover why it’s so important to set boundaries, understand communication – and take time out for yourself. You’ll become energised and inspired to be the absolute best you can be.
Renee Marais
10:00 - 11:00
Stepping Up: You May Not Have Authority, but You’re Still in Charge
You’re not the manger – but you’re responsible for organising people and projects & making sure that things get done. If you can’t get others to turn things over to you on time… constantly have to play catch-up or stay late… or feel you can’t ask others for help, you need to learn the art of delegation without authority!
Renee Marais
11:00 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Emotional Intelligence – The Superhero Skill That Lets You Work Well With Everyone
Sometimes the hardest thing about your job isn’t your task list – it’s the people! Fortunately, there’s a way that you can make that pain, stress and frustration go away: Emotional intelligence. Learn how EI can help you build relationships, gain respect, project confidence, enhance your credibility … and talk with everybody, no matter what their positions or personalities!
Linda Coetzee
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Setting Boundaries: Calm, Confident and Assertive Communication
You want to be liked at work, helpful, a team player. But that doesn’t give others a license to take advantage of you! If you’re not being taken seriously, if you get railroaded into tasks or projects that aren’t your job but you can’t say “no,” or if people just don’t seem to listen … this session is for you. Discover how to make others see you as the strong, confident individual you are!
Tracey Pinder
14:30 - 14:50
14:50 - 15:30
Communication Essentials: The Top 10 Email Dos and Don’ts
If you’ve ever had something you’ve writien in an e-mail misunderstood or misinterpreted, you know what a disaster it can be! It’s essential that you’re sending the right message. Join us for a session that’s as fun as it is informative, from hilarious bad examples to the things you’d never think to look for… but can really make a difference!
Jenna Coetzee
15:30 - 16:00

Day 2

09:00 - 10:00
Creating the Perfect Admin/Boss Team
There are few things more satisfying than being a trusted and valued partner with your boss – whether you work for one person or a dozen. Learn how to understand your boss’s goals and objectives… develop strengths that complement your manager's and enhance your working relationship… or even save a failing relationship if you and your manager aren’t communicating clearly. Also be the innovator with new office technology solutions that make PA's efficient and valuable to all.
Renee Marais
10:00 - 11:15
Stay Out of Office Politics & Build Your Own Professional Brand
Unless you’re in an office of two & never talk to anyone but your manager, you’ve probably had a run-in with office politics. People want to gossip, struggle for their own piece of turf, even backstab co-workers. Discover the tools you can use to disengage from negative behaviors & build strong, positive and professional relationships across departmental lines. keep in mind your own brand & how you want to be perceived.
Bukhosi Khumalo
11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Image Management: Presenting Your Best Side to the World
How you present yourself reflects on you, your boss – your entire company. Make sure your image is strong and confident! We’ll help you let your inner light shine through and show you how the right attitude fosters an atmosphere of respect. When you look and feel professional and poised, you gain an aura of confidence – and you enhance your credibility!
Jenna Coetzee
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 14:30
Managing Stress and Change with Confidence
We live in uncertain times and the constant change creates anxiety and stress for us. Find ways to alter your thinking and manage everyday crises with more confidence. Find tools to manage your stress, anxiety and overwhelm so that you stay fully present. We have so many resources within us to navigate our way through turbulent times - let's tap into all of them.
Tracey Pinder
14:30 - 15:30
Closing Session: Living Your Life to the Fullest – & Enjoying Every Minute
When life gets hectic, it’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed – & when it’s not, it’s easy to get into a rut! It’s time for some fresh, fun ideas on how to maintain a healthy balance between your job & everything else that matters in your life. You’ll be able to use the things you love to stay motivated & upbeat, no matter what’s going on around you. Plus, you’ll learn some amazing stress-relieving techniques you can use to take a step back, refocus and reenergize… in a matter of minutes!
Linda Coetzee
End of Forum
Renee Marais
Renee Marais
Facilitator, Training Specialist & SHEQ Consultant
Renee Marais is a strategic thinker who possesses strong business acumen and has a good grasp of how the training process directly affects the business. She is very well versed in business process, having managed and maintained change management and quality systems in an International company for many years. She thoroughly enjoys working with all levels within an organisation and enjoys the challenges that come with this. She has expertise in Lean Management, Kaizen Principles, Value Stream Mapping, Managing Performance & Growing People, Business Ethics, Careful Communication, Recognising Conflict of Interest, Developing Ethical Cultures, Principled Decision Making, Inspirational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Microsoft Word/Excel Level 1 & 2, Technical Report Writing, Project Management, Secretarial PA Skills and Office Etiquete. “She has a ‘can do’ atttude and a willingness to work alongside others and ‘in the trenches’ to achieve ambitious goals.
Linda Coetzee
Linda Coetzee
Trainer, Facilitator and Executive Coach
Linda Coetzee has been in the field of human development for 30 years. She has a wealth of experience in corporate training and employee wellness, and is highly respected in her field. She has a degree in Industrial Psychology and English, and a passion for developing people. Her areas of expertise include Inter-Personal Skills and Personality Profiling,Management & Leadership, PA/Secretarial Excellence, Assertiveness and Conflict Management, Communication Excellence, Personal Mastery, Stress and Energy Management, Customer Service Excellence, Call Centre Excellence, Coaching and Mentoring, Business Writing and Presentation Skills. She is a registered COMENSA coach, a qualified CBT coach and a licensed associate of the International Institute of Behavioural Analysis. She has an impressive list of very satisfied clients and coaches, up to the highest level of organisations.
Tracey Pinder
Tracey Pinder
Life Coach
Tracey Pinder is an internationally accredited Life Coach and a counsellor with a passion to motivate, empower and equip people to hone their life skills. Over the past 10 years she has gained thousands of hours experience in counselling and coaching people from all walks of life, enabling them to reach their full potential and overcoming their obstacles and challenges. Her areas of expertise include Personal Development, Individual Counselling, Trauma Counselling, Trauma debriefing, ADHD Skills & Life Coaching, NLP Life Coaching, Addiction and Recovery
Jenna Coetzee
Jenna Coetzee
Facilitator, Training Specialist, Public Speaker
Jenna Coetzee is a facilitator, trainer and coach and specialises in entry level corporate training for new graduates and those entering the corporate world. Her qualifications include a BA degree in Psychology and English from the University of Pretoria, and she has also spent two years studying Education. In addition to numerous internships with training and consulting firms. Jenna is also a subject matter expert in Emotional intelligence and Assertiveness and has developed training programmes filled with up-to-date research and practical tools. Some of her facilitation work has included Executive PA programmes and attended many conferences locally and internationally.
Bukhosi Khumalo
Bukhosi Khumalo
Head of Marketing
Bukhosi Khumalo is an experienced and highly regarded speaker with a strong inclination and belief in the power of meaningful human connection. One of the most fortunate decisions he made was choosing an industry that would allow him to pursue both a successful and rewarding career, yet also chasing his passion for learning and empowering through engagement. He is a leader and client facing professional in the risk management and insurance industry. Currently Head of Marketing for the Insurance Institute of Gauteng, he believes in being deliberate about branding rather than leaving it to chance. He is a Fellow of the IISA and an Associate of the IRMSA. He also contributes as a writer for some of South Africa’s widest read risk and insurance magazines, a passion only surpassed by his love for reading. One of his greatest drives is for people to appreciate their uniqueness and therefore their professional brand.


Sep 07 - 08 2022




Capital Hotel


Capital Hotel


  • Bukhosi Khumalo
    Bukhosi Khumalo
    Head of Marketing

    Bukhosi Khumalo is an experienced and highly regarded speaker with a strong inclination and belief in the power of meaningful human connection. One of the most fortunate decisions he made was choosing an industry that would allow him to pursue both a successful and rewarding career, yet also chasing his passion for learning and empowering through engagement. He is a leader and client facing professional in the risk management and insurance industry. Currently Head of Marketing for the Insurance Institute of Gauteng, he believes in being deliberate about branding rather than leaving it to chance. He is a Fellow of the IISA and an Associate of the IRMSA. He also contributes as a writer for some of South Africa’s widest read risk and insurance magazines, a passion only surpassed by his love for reading. One of his greatest drives is for people to appreciate their uniqueness and therefore their professional brand.

  • Jenna Coetzee
    Jenna Coetzee
    Facilitator, Training Specialist, Public Speaker

    Jenna Coetzee is a facilitator, trainer and coach and specialises in entry level corporate training for new graduates and those entering the corporate world. Her qualifications include a BA degree in Psychology and English from the University of Pretoria, and she has also spent two years studying Education. In addition to numerous internships with training and consulting firms. Jenna is also a subject matter expert in Emotional intelligence and Assertiveness and has developed training programmes filled with up-to-date research and practical tools. Some of her facilitation work has included Executive PA programmes and attended many conferences locally and internationally.

  • Linda Coetzee
    Linda Coetzee
    Trainer, Facilitator and Executive Coach

    Linda Coetzee has been in the field of human development for 30 years. She has a wealth of experience in corporate training and employee wellness, and is highly respected in her field. She has a degree in Industrial Psychology and English, and a passion for developing people. Her areas of expertise include
    Inter-Personal Skills and Personality Profiling,Management & Leadership, PA/Secretarial Excellence, Assertiveness and Conflict Management, Communication Excellence, Personal Mastery, Stress and Energy Management, Customer Service
    Excellence, Call Centre Excellence, Coaching and Mentoring, Business Writing and Presentation Skills. She is a registered COMENSA coach, a qualified CBT coach and a licensed associate of the International Institute of Behavioural Analysis. She has an impressive list of very satisfied clients and coaches, up to the highest level of organisations.

  • Renee Marais
    Renee Marais
    Facilitator, Training Specialist & SHEQ Consultant

    Renee Marais is a strategic thinker who possesses strong business acumen and has a good grasp of how the training process directly affects the business. She is very well versed in business process, having managed and maintained change management and quality systems in an International company for many years. She thoroughly enjoys working with all levels within an organisation and enjoys the challenges that come with this. She has expertise in Lean Management, Kaizen Principles, Value Stream Mapping, Managing Performance & Growing People, Business Ethics, Careful Communication, Recognising Conflict of Interest, Developing Ethical Cultures, Principled Decision Making, Inspirational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, Microsoft Word/Excel Level 1 & 2, Technical Report Writing, Project Management, Secretarial PA Skills and Office Etiquete. “She has a ‘can do’ atttude and a willingness to work alongside others and ‘in the trenches’ to achieve ambitious goals.

  • Tracey Pinder
    Tracey Pinder
    Life Coach

    Tracey Pinder is an internationally accredited Life Coach and a counsellor with a passion to motivate, empower and equip people to hone their life skills. Over the past 10 years she has gained thousands of hours experience in counselling and coaching people from all walks of life, enabling them to reach their full potential and overcoming their obstacles and challenges. Her areas of expertise include Personal Development, Individual Counselling, Trauma Counselling,
    Trauma debriefing, ADHD Skills & Life Coaching, NLP Life Coaching, Addiction and Recovery

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