Events & Training

We deliver conferences in different formats to create the best experience

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Join our global family of professionals from various industries.

Awarded Certificates
100 +
Training Projects
1 +
Trained Delegates
1 +


All participants to FMI courses receive Certificates of Attendance and/or accreditation where applicable acknowledging their training and their journey to new skills and new thinking in the industry.

Independent research has verified that this industry recognition is highly valued by employees and employers respectively. Partner with FMI to ensure that your people are equipped with the right skills to assist them to perform at their best in order to get you the results you need. FMI partners with world and industry leading certification and training bodies to offer the most sought-after industry certifications and designations. To that end, we have extended our scope by partnering with HISPI to promote high-end Cyber Security and Certified Courses.


Our Clients

Our services have been trusted by over 3000 delegates and 500+ companies worldwide.

With over 10 Years of Experience, our client list extends across Industries as well as continents.

From In-houses to Workshops, from Conferences to Exhibitions, our clients get the best Professional Training available.

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