Examinations Security & Integrity
The maintenance of the security, integrity and public confidence in the examination system is the cornerstone of any education system. However, every year during time of exams we come across news in the newspaper and television about question paper leakages and hence the exam is being postponed or cancelled. Sometimes the information related to question papers leakage will not be known to the universities or organization itself. This causes the organizations to lose money, time and loss public trust in the examining institution and that of the country as a whole.
With the proliferation of the internet, digital communication systems and social media, coupled with human behaviour and the increase in online schools, exacerbate by the Covid-19 outbreak, the examination systems have come under scrutiny and corrupted too. There is an urgent call and need for renewed training and re-imagination in the conduct of examinations at all levels of the education system. Whether at primary, secondary or tertiary (college and university) level, examinations must be managed and administered professionally to provide all students with a level playing field within their respective education system.
Evidence at a local level seems to confirm that examination malpractice is rampant and that security of examination material is being compromised and with very little quality assurance. If African educational systems are to embrace globalization then their students must have access to an education/exam system that is held up as having both integrity and credibility around the world.
To address these issues and restore the integrity and credibility of the examination systems and processes in Africa, we have developed this MUST attend Examinations Security and Integrity Training Programme, ‘the first of its kind in Africa’, This programme, provides an opportunity for all levels of educational expertise – Directors, Principals, Managers, examination officers, etc. who are involved in the management and administration of exams, to review, update and take away practical advice and help to support their programmes at a National, Provincial/Regional, College/University and school level.
The Examination Security and Integrity Training Programme will explore strategies to strengthen the examination systems and processes that will restore the integrity and public confidence in examinations and examination boards. By managing the quality part of the examination, the examination processes will also be able to act as a feedback loop in improving the overall education standards and the examination itself. The overall objective of this three day interactive Training Programme is to bring leaders and managers of examinations
and government agencies together to learn new ways of preventing securing examinations papers leakage, debate and define the key actions and behaviours that lead to the creation, development and growth of credible examinations and education systems and processes in Africa.
Prepared by consultants, trainers, academics and practitioners of internationally recognized expertise and experience with a combined wealth of their vast experience, the event presents specific problems, solutions and case histories in the best practices in managing internationally recognized and credible examinations.
The Exam Training Programme will cover:
• The need for exceptional leadership in the management of examinations
• Managing and administering the examination process from start to finish
• Managing and administering center examination budgets
• An analysis of the UK and African assessment models
• Managing & administering assessment & students’ examination data
• How is innovation and digital technologies is transforming the conduct of examinations systems and integrity
• An Online examination conceptual framework
• Enhancing security of examination question papers through a tracking system based on spatial and cloud technologies
• Managing staff and resources involved in the exam process
• Incorporating Rfid based examination and the two way authentication papers leakage protection and detection system
• Behavioural and other offences in examination management…etc
Who Should Attend?
• Education Regulators
• Directors of Academic Departments / Directors of Examinations
• Examinations Registrars
• Heads of Academic Departments
• Education Integrity Officers / Specialists
• Chief Invigilators
• Academic Registrars
• Admissions Officers
• Security Printing Managers
• Education Quality Assurance Officers
• Principals of FET and VET Colleges
• Examination Centre Managers / Administrators
• Representatives of Professional Bodies

So sad I missed this programme! When is the next one? What is the typical size of the class? I would appreciate more information on the course as it is critical to our operations.
Damilola Bamiro