The Powerhouse Professionals Forum 2024 – November 2024
You’re the number one support for other people – for your co-workers, bosses, vendors and clients. You spend your time and your energy making sure everybody else has everything they need, but are you doing everything you can for your own professional growth?
Join us for the The powerhouse professionals Forum and you’ll build success skills that will last a lifetime. We’ve packed this Executive Assistant Forum with informative sessions taught by nationally acclaimed speakers.
Imagine spending time with other administrative professionals in positions just like yours – sharing stories and trading tips with people who’ve been there, done that and really understand how demanding your job can be. Use this time out of the office to reenergise, refocus and gain a fresh perspective on your priorities, your goals and your career. This executive assistant forum is an experience that you absolutely don’t want to miss.
The forum is tailored for:
Personal Assistants, Executive Secretaries, Administrative Assistants, Private Secretaries, Receptionists, Office Managers, Project Support Officers, Event Assistants, Department Coordinators, Admin Clerks, Corporate Communications Officers and other administrative support personnel.
If you’re a seasoned professional with a desire to enhance your ability to achieve and succeed, and you’re looking for new ideas and strategies to make things happen… this is where you should be!
If you’re an administrative support staff member with more responsibility than suggested by your title, you will greatly benefit from the brimming wealth of information to be showcased at this event!
Treat yourself to a little fun and professional pampering. After all your hard work, you deserve it!